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Game details
Sherlock Holmes ConsultingDetective - ICOM Simulations,Inc (1993) Tested By: MAN-biker
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
0% supported
DOSBox version: 0.61 (broken)
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective (1993) (2006-04-08 12:23)
This game works fine without dosbox under Windows XP
Sherlock holmes consulting detective (2005-03-31 13:35)
it works fine with dosbox 0.63 and an image mounted with daemon.
for the sound, put in the autoexec folder of defend the string: SET ICOMSND=2
2 is for soundblaster. also i choose sb1 in the sound folder after that the sound is fine
Consulting Detective Sherlock Holmes Volume 1 (2004-11-11 08:59)
Lego Holmes
I was able to run, although sound wasn't 100% perfect, this game using D-fend and choosing the following:
Sound: "sb1" CPU Core "Full" Render "Surface"
Full Screen and Double Buffer using DOSBox .62
sherlock kolmes: consulting detective (2004-10-27 00:32)
It will work just fine if you copy it to a folder on the C drive and run it from there.
Note: (2004-09-27 04:51)
Possible a bug in a game, because it can't detect presence a sound card, so can't start (there is no "no sound" option in this game).