Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Wings of Glory - Origin (1994)
Tested By: Laner

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
90% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
0% supported
  DOSBox version: 0.58 (broken)

Voices and subtitles (2016-02-28 14:15) gregkl
The game runs great on 0.74, in my opinion it is fully supported and runs exactly like on my 486 DX100 back in 1996 - my CPU is i5 M480 + NVIDIA 310M (I remember that e.g. on Pentium 4 the game had problems with running smoothly). As said earlier, EMS=false and core=normal is required, and Sound Blaster 16 + Adlib with IRQ7 and the rest set to default works best for me.

I've just found a solution to enable both voices and subtitles! Run the game with sound and music, start any conversation at the aerodrome and during it press Ctrl+S (sound off), wait for subtitles to appear, then press Ctrl+S again - the sound will be enabled again, but the subtitles won't dissapear!
Run Well, but need alot of requirment (2013-09-11 14:25) Glitchologteam
I have bought the game at a flea market not too long ago. Everything was tested with a image of the CD imgmounted as D

to avoid game crash at the loading screen
- EMS = False
- core = normal

to have voice and sound in the game (such as the narrator and the game character)

Read the following thing that come from maxmoo, this thing really WORK

''I've got it working now, I selected Sound Blaster 16 - Wave Blaster in the Installation, and selected all default options *except for IRQ* which i set to 7 instead of 5 which is the default. Hope this helps.''

Loading can take a long time. With the CD Image, it can take between 5 and 30 seconds.
As Good As It Gets (2013-09-02 13:22) 40mdxer
The joystick works fine -needed calibration, first in XP, then in DOSBOX (been away from joysticks for too many years here). The mouse pointer drifts into the upper left corner of the screen when not in flight mode; reducing the mouse sensitivity did not help. All in all, WOG is definitely playable - I just love the non-flight audio by the pilots. WOG has to be one of the all-time greats!
MiniMax had my answer -Thanks! (2013-09-01 21:35) 40mdxer
[cpu] core=normal
[dos] ems=false

- got Wings of Glory running! Still have a problem though; joystick is not recognized. It 'does' work natively in XP so it's not the hardware. I 'need' that to fly!
AAARGH (2013-09-01 20:35) 40mdxer
It's my typing.
The error message showed 'PE EQUALS 1'
WOG wannabe here (2013-09-01 20:33) 40mdxer
I purchased this game when it was new - and still have everything (yep, it's been awhile). I recently installed DOSBOX 0.74 and set up WOG. Everything runs fine until it's time to load the first mission - game freezes and the DOSBOX window shows error 'Paging requested without PE-1'. Anybody know what this means?
@Cobra00SVT I was having the same problem as you (2013-06-26 01:05) maxmoo
I've got it working now, I selected Sound Blaster 16 - Wave Blaster in the Installation, and selected all default options *except for IRQ* which i set to 7 instead of 5 which is the default.

Hope this helps.
Need a little help (2011-10-11 16:25) Cobra00SVT
Greetings all, i just got dosbox for this game and this game alone but am having the same issues as noted before (no sound other than music), the changes listed such as ems/core and frameskip have kept me from having the failure message after i exit the game but i still have no sound effects, can anyone help me out please??
I LOVE this game (2011-03-08 03:50) porlino87
Please help!!! I'm having the same issues as others.

1) Yes Muic, No sound (voices etc)

2) Game gets stuck on loading screen

Anybody figure this out?
Sound Problem (2009-07-13 05:13) Breno
This is such a good game, I used to play it on our windows 3.1 until the cd drive died. For the past few years I've been tying to play it but with no success. I finaly got it to run on DosBox 7.0, but it doesn't matter what I do I can only get the music in the game to work. I can not hear voices or the engines. Can someone please help me?
Can't get past opening screen (2008-05-23 02:41) DukeSr1000
It looks like many of you have had the same problems I am currently having. I get it the opening screen, and then it crashes and I get the message...

Error #1910


I have changed the ems to false and the core to normal, which is how I got this far. Not sure where I need to go from here. I noted that a message said #1910 means a problem reading the cdrom, but I think it looks good. I would also like to get this running without the CD, but I am waiting to just get it running first. Any help will be appreciated.
to resurrect a thread (2008-03-06 15:23) mccdeuce
Best flight sim ever. Trying to get it to work. so far everything is good except for the voices and the subtitles. If you found a way to get this to work please update.
Dynanimc core is no-good in DOSBox 0.70 (2007-03-23 11:40) MiniMax
According to, the dynacmic core breaks Wings of Glory. Instead use core=normal (and remember to set ems=false).
Works for me (2007-01-31 11:03) TkSax
I have it working using hte Dos Box Game Laucher. IF you can get a copy of the ISO image of the CD I have everything working including the characters talking in between missions.
Sound Problem (2007-01-05 16:46) Fokker1918
So here's one for everyone to ponder:

I've just gotten this to actually run in 0.65 (after much tinkering) and yet even though the music works fine (either through SB16 or Waveblaster) the sound effects (voiceovers, conversations) do not play nor do the usual subtitles at the bottom. The strange thing is that the sound effect test in the configuration works fine (At ease captain, yadda yadda record for yourself) and it says it is saved to the config file. Then when I start the game there's no SFX. Anyone know how I can correct this or steer the game to remember the settings? So near, and yet so far! Mail me too if you know, many thanks!
Thanks for that one! (2006-11-25 18:49) Starbuss
I linked the .tre path wrong.
But now I have another problem - in 0.63 the game is running extremely slow (it doesn´t even start at 0.65)- it´s incredible laggy, I turned up to 2000000 cycles and frameskip 10, I turned the sound off, nothing helped - what to do now? ;)
Error 1910 (2006-11-05 19:29) ChrisReid
An Error 1910 means the game can't access the CD. You either have your CD-ROM mounted wrong or the .cfg file is pointing to the wrong place.
In 0.63 as well as in 0.65 (2006-10-08 06:40) Starbuss
Tried CD version, copied all .tre files.
If I start the Wg.exe, I get an error message:

Wings of Glory encountered an error from which it cannot recover.

Error #1910

Length =0
Mode =READ

What to do?
supported on 0.63, but broken on 0.65 (2006-05-19 06:04) pschuegi
Tried the CD version, copied the .TRE files as suggested, disabled EMS, works fine on 0.63, but on 0.65 (exactly the same configuration) don't even get beyond the startup screen....
Works, but be careful with the CD version (2005-07-10 14:31) Sirocco
If you want to run the CD version without having to use the CD, make sure you copy all of the .TRE files from the CD to your HD directory. If you don't, the game will crash while loading. Other than running somewhat choppy, it worked fine with 0.63
Wings of Glory supported (2005-03-20 17:35) brasshat
The game runs perfect with ems=false in DOSBox 0.63. The failure in the "load mission" is not really a failure. WoG always takes a long time to load, but at last it goes. I often enter Ctrl-F12 to speed up the process
still hangs (0.63) (2005-01-04 00:32) hydr0x
set ems=false

runs, but hangs on "load mission" screen
Note: (2003-08-05 18:04) Laner
Crashes to desktop. DOS Extender, more than likely.

Game directory (browsing from W)
Game: Year:   Version:   Status: runnable - playable - supported
w 11   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wacky Funsters 1993   0.63   supported 98% (supported)
Wacky Wheels 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wall $treet Raider 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Walls of Rome 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
War Diary 1996   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
War Eagles! 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
War For Burnville Or Dawnville 1998   0.62   supported 100% (supported)
War in Middle Earth 1989   0.60   supported 70% (supported)
War in the Gulf 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
War INC 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
War of Genesis 2, The (창세기전 2) 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
War of The Lance 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Warcraft 1994   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Warcraft 1: Orcs vs Humans 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal 1996   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Warcraft 2: Tide of Darkness 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal 1994   0.74-3   broken  
warcraft1:orcs vs humans 1994   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Warcraft:Tide of Darkness 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wargame Construction Set 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wargame Construction Set 2 - Tanks! 1994   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wargame Construction Set 3: AOR 1996   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wari 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Warlords 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Warlords 2 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Warlords 2 Deluxe 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Warriors 1995   0.63   supported 85% (supported)
Warriors of Legend 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Warship 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wasteland 1988   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Waterloo 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Waxworks 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2 1990   0.74-3   runnable 1% (runnable)
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 3 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wayne's World 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
We're Back ! 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Ween : The Prophecy 1993   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Ween: The Prophecy 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Weird Dreams 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Welltris 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Wembley Rugby League 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
WESP 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
West Adventure 1994   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
West Phaser 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Western Front 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wetlands 1995   0.70   supported 99% (supported)
Whale's Voyage 1994   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
What They Don't Teach You at Harvar 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune - New 2nd Edition 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune 3rd Edition 1988   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of fortune German 1989   0.62   supported 100% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune starring V. White 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
When Two Worlds War 1993   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Where in America's Past is CarmenS. 1991   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego? 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Where in space in carmen sandiego? 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Where in the world is C. Sandiego? 1992   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Where in time is Carmen Sandiego 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Where Time Stood Still 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Whiplash (Fatal Racing) 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
White Death 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Whizz 1994   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Who shot Johnny Rock ? 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wild Learning Safari 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wild Science Arcade 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wild Streets 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wild West World 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wild Wheels 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wilderness 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Willi's Pinball 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Willow 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Willy Beamish 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Willy Beamish CD-Version 1992   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Willy the Worm 1985   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Willy the Worm II 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wilson Prostaff Golf 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Win, Lose or Draw 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wind Surf 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wind Walker 1989   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
Windows 1.0 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
WINDOWS 2.0 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Windows 2.x 1987   0.74-3   playable 50% (playable)
Windows 3.1 1992   0.65   supported 80% (supported)
Windows 3.11 1993   0.74-3   supported 79% (supported)
Windows 95 1995   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Windows 98 SE 1999   0.74-3   runnable 2% (runnable)
Wing Commander - russian ver. 1990   0.62   supported 96% (supported)
Wing Commander 1 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wing Commander 2 1991   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wing Commander 2:Special Ops 1991   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander 2:Special Ops 2 1992   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander 3 1994   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Wing Commander Academy 1994   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander Armada 1994   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander I: Secret Missions 1990   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander I: Secret Missions 2 1991   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander IV 1995   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander Privateer 1994   0.73   supported 95% (supported)
Wing Nuts: Battle in the Sky 1995   0.74-3   broken  
Wings of Fury 1989   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Wings of Glory 1994   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Wingstar 1996   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Winnie the Pooh 1985   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Winter Games 1991   0.60   playable 63% (playable)
Winter Olympiad 88 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Winter Supersports '92 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Winzer 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wipeout 1995   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Wipeout 1989   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Wishbringer 1985   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Witchaven 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Witchaven 2: Blood Vengeance 1996   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Wizard's Crown 1985   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 1 1981   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 2 1982   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 3 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 4 1988   0.74-3   playable 57% (playable)
Wizardry 5 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 6 Bane of the Cosmic Forge 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 7 Crusaders Of The Dark Sa 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wizball 1987   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Wizkid (Wizball 2) 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wolf 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wolfenstein 3D 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfenstein 3D (Mortal Kombat Edit) 1993   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfenstein 3d: Spear Of Destiny 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfpack 1990   0.63   supported 95% (supported)
Wolfpack 1991   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfsbane 1995   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wonderland 1990   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Woodruff & The Schnibble of Azimuth 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Word Rescue Plus! 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Word Rescue! 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
WordPlay 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wordtris 1992   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
World Championship Boxing Manager 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
World Championship Soccer 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World Circuit (Gran Prix 1) 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
World Class Leaderboard Golf 1989   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
World Class Rugby 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
World Class Rugby Five Nations Ed. 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
World Class Soccer 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
World Cup Soccer '90 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
World Darts 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
World Games 1986   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
World Karate Championship 1986   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
World of Aden: Thunderscape 1994   0.73   supported 95% (supported)
World Rally Fever 1996   0.71   supported 100% (supported)
World Tour Golf 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
World Tour Tennis 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World Trophy Soccer 1989   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World War 2 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World Wide Rally 1997   0.74-3   playable 60% (playable)
Worlds at War 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Worlds Of Legend: Son Of The Empire 1993   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Worlds of Ultima: Martian Dreams 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Worlds of Ultima: Savage Empire 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Worms 1995   0.73   supported 95% (supported)
Worms United 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Worms United 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Wrath of Earth 1995   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Wrath of the Demon 1991   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Wreckers 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
WWF European Rampage Tour 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
WWF in Your House 1996   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
WWF WrestleMania 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game 1995   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
WWF Wretsle Mania 1993   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
WWII GI 1999   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1256) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.71%) 48 (3.82%) 1158 (92.20%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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