Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Windows 95 - Microsoft (1995)
Tested By: kernel_geek

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
80% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
80% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.73 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
7% (runnable)
  DOSBox version: 0.72 (runnable)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
50% (playable)
  DOSBox version: 0.71 (playable)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
40% (playable)
  DOSBox version: 0.70 (playable)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
10% (runnable)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (runnable)

help (2020-12-06 08:02) Dr K
nice but now to download it?
Glitchy graphics. (2018-09-09 04:02) Mario
It has a bunch of garbled icons on the top and the mouse cursor is a black box, but otherwise works fine. I've seen this in DOSBox SVN already and I just tested on the latest version, DOSBox 0.74-2, with the same results.
Question(s) on a Windows 95 Image Instance (2013-02-07 11:44) zodoz

So if I want to run a Win95 instance in Dosbox, and from there install and run a windows 95 program, do I need to add the files to the Image? Is the image dynamic once I am in Windows 95? Can it's size be expanded by a program w/in the Dosbox win95?

Thanks. Little confused.
edits (2013-02-07 11:39) zodoz
Just noticed after I posted that the character "" or "slash" was omitted from my previous post, most likely if you read c:95 I meant c:"slash"95
Win95 within DosBox tips (2013-02-07 11:37) zodoz
I found a Video on YouTube that I will write up steps here:

a} You will be using a HDD
b} You have a Windows 95 img file
c} You are using Dosbox 0.74
d} You know enough to be looking here in the first place

Per Video:

1) Create a new folder and name it something like “95”
2) copy image file to that folder {in this case, c:95 now has W95.img in it}
3) mount the 95 folder in Dosbox {in this case, mount C c:95}
4) change dir to c {I.t.c., type C:}
5) mount image in DosBox {I.t.c., imgmount A: C:W95.img}
6) Boot Win95 from that A: drive {I.t.c., boot W95.img}

When you run the .conf file, Dosbox should open with a Windows 95 splash screen and then a mini-desktop w/in windows...I am fairly sure there are some options here that I have not yet found, like maybe doing all this from a flash drive, etc.
it's working... (2012-12-04 11:37) ThomAce
It's working correctly.

mount C: C:/dosbox
imgmount A: C:/W95.img
boot C:/w95.img
Doesn't work (2012-02-18 22:20) magiblot
Hi. I installed Windows 95 in a folder as in a HDD, without using any image. Next, I make a code where I mount the drives and I copy the AUTOEXEC.BAT code, then I start WIN. The "mode con codepage" and the "keyb sp,," don't work, but that's not the problem. After that, the screen becomes black and DOSbox start the VMM32 program, but then closes the windows. I use spanish version of the OSR 2.5 (Sorry for my bad english).
The next DOSbox version must have compatibility with Win9x MS-DOS code and options to set drives as FDD and CD-ROM.
I also have a problem with the SHIFT, if I must press 2 times the button to make it work.
486_slow | pentium_slow (2011-09-09 14:00) AlysSonLimE
COrrigindo erro
usar uma dessas duas opções:
486_slow | pentium_slow
Ambas são 486.

486_slow | pentium_slow | 386_prefetch (2011-09-09 13:55) AlysSonLimE
se vc for instalar 95 / 98
use algum dos 486:
486_slow | pentium_slow | 386_prefetch
Ainda pode acontecer de dar erro, mas é muito menos do que usar 386.
Rodou perfeitamente (2011-09-09 13:45) AlysSonLimE
Para dar certo instalar e executar sem erros o windows 95 e 98, tem que usar "cputype 486_slow". Caso contrário dará uma série de erros de operação inválida devido a algumas instruções que o windows 95 e 98 executa não dar certo em 386.

Ta funcionando perfeito.
Só falta eu descobrir como conectar internet e tal.

It sucks. (2011-05-04 02:32) ChrisTyler12345
Windows 95 would not let me use Internet Explorer on DOSBox.
Not Installing (2011-02-15 01:11) Husker
I had the same problem, and found that booting Win98 within DOSBox, and installing Win95 under that fixed the "compressed volume" error.

There is an excellent tutorial at Just use Win98 to boot instead of his suggested DOS 6.22.

I have it installed, and now have to get past the "not enough memory" error when booting the Win95 install.
Not installing (2011-02-04 17:20) tsampikos
I receive the same message with DOSBox 0.74. Is there any tutorial available?
not installing (2010-10-21 17:32) cyrusc
me to
No disk space?! (2010-06-09 16:55) Shaded
How do you get past the: "Setup Found a compressed volume or disk-cashe utility on your computer." Error. I suspect it's just something i've forgotten to set
Solution - Problems with DOS Version (2009-12-23 18:16) are16ocean
Hi. If you have problems running Windows 95 because it doesn't recognize DOS 7.0 version or previous. For solve this problem, you should type in DOSBox:
ver set 8.0
To set DOS 8.0 Version instead of DOS 5.0 Version.

Sorry for my bad english ;( Spanish
Does not Load (2008-05-20 14:29) phildaman46
Gives a unknown error at the end of installation. Running to load Windows gives a "Can not load under MS-Dos." type message.
Explanation (2007-07-11 16:50) Tedium
After setting up the blank HDD and the HDD with WINdows 95 Setup, I restarted DOSBox, mounted my "normal directory" and:

imgmount 0 BOOT_DISK -t floppy -fs none
imgmount 2 DEST_HDD -size SIZE -fs none
imgmount 3 INST_HDD -size SIZE -fs none
boot -l a

This worked fine for installing. It failed on boot with something like:
Exit to error: DynCore: invalid option in opcode 0xff...
It Runs... (2007-07-11 16:27) Tedium
(Dosbox 0.70) You don't need to install DOS 6.x. I used a Windows 98 boot disk image to start the setup process. If you boot from the boot disk and don't mount the HDD images' filesystems, you don't need /is (Scandisk worked fine for me). As a note: using the dynamic core, it always crashed on boot; using the full core, I got an Invalid Page Fault on running nearly anything; using the simple core, everything's worked fine.
IT RUN!!! on dosbox 0.70 (2007-03-03 05:23) kitor
First you must make a hdd image by bximage on bochs. All is writen on DOSBox documentation. Next tou must install dos 6.x on it. Mount drive image by imgmount and boot from dos 6.x bootable diskiette image. Run FDISK and make partition on hard drive.
Now re-run dosbox.
Mount image as c: and cd with win95 setup files as d:. Mkdir c:\win95 and copy d:\*.* c:\win95\*.*.
Now boot from hard drive. Then type cd win95 and type setup /is.

To restart virtual computer you must shutdown DOSBox
and run it.

Sorry about my badly english, I;m from poland
zep (2007-01-11 09:01) federicozep
setup /is ...Install Menu works, then i have exit, he doesn't it recognizes dos 7 version or previous versions
Note: (2006-05-30 01:23) kernel_geek
It freezes at the routine checks screen, but i think it might work with a bit of tweeking

Game directory (browsing from W)
Game: Year:   Version:   Status: runnable - playable - supported
w 11   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wacky Funsters 1993   0.63   supported 98% (supported)
Wacky Wheels 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wall $treet Raider 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Walls of Rome 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
War Diary 1996   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
War Eagles! 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
War For Burnville Or Dawnville 1998   0.62   supported 100% (supported)
War in Middle Earth 1989   0.60   supported 70% (supported)
War in the Gulf 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
War INC 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
War of Genesis 2, The (창세기전 2) 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
War of The Lance 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Warcraft 1994   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Warcraft 1: Orcs vs Humans 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Warcraft 2: Beyond the Dark Portal 1996   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Warcraft 2: Tide of Darkness 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal 1994   0.74-3   broken  
warcraft1:orcs vs humans 1994   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Warcraft:Tide of Darkness 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wargame Construction Set 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wargame Construction Set 2 - Tanks! 1994   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wargame Construction Set 3: AOR 1996   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wari 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Warlords 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Warlords 2 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Warlords 2 Deluxe 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Warriors 1995   0.63   supported 85% (supported)
Warriors of Legend 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Warship 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wasteland 1988   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Waterloo 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Waxworks 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2 1990   0.74-3   runnable 1% (runnable)
Wayne Gretzky Hockey 3 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wayne's World 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
We're Back ! 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Ween : The Prophecy 1993   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Ween: The Prophecy 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Weird Dreams 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Welltris 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Wembley Rugby League 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
WESP 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
West Adventure 1994   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
West Phaser 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Western Front 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wetlands 1995   0.70   supported 99% (supported)
Whale's Voyage 1994   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
What They Don't Teach You at Harvar 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune - New 2nd Edition 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune 3rd Edition 1988   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Wheel of fortune German 1989   0.62   supported 100% (supported)
Wheel of Fortune starring V. White 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
When Two Worlds War 1993   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Where in America's Past is CarmenS. 1991   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Where In Europe Is Carmen Sandiego? 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Where in space in carmen sandiego? 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Where in the USA is Carmen Sandiego 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Where in the world is C. Sandiego? 1992   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Where in time is Carmen Sandiego 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Where Time Stood Still 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Whiplash (Fatal Racing) 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
White Death 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Whizz 1994   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Who shot Johnny Rock ? 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wild Learning Safari 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wild Science Arcade 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wild Streets 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wild West World 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wild Wheels 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wilderness 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Willi's Pinball 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Willow 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Willy Beamish 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Willy Beamish CD-Version 1992   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Willy the Worm 1985   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Willy the Worm II 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wilson Prostaff Golf 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Win, Lose or Draw 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wind Surf 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wind Walker 1989   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
Windows 1.0 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
WINDOWS 2.0 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Windows 2.x 1987   0.74-3   playable 50% (playable)
Windows 3.1 1992   0.65   supported 80% (supported)
Windows 3.11 1993   0.74-3   supported 79% (supported)
Windows 95 1995   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Windows 98 SE 1999   0.74-3   runnable 2% (runnable)
Wing Commander - russian ver. 1990   0.62   supported 96% (supported)
Wing Commander 1 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wing Commander 2 1991   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wing Commander 2:Special Ops 1991   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander 2:Special Ops 2 1992   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander 3 1994   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Wing Commander Academy 1994   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander Armada 1994   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander I: Secret Missions 1990   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander I: Secret Missions 2 1991   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander IV 1995   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Wing Commander Privateer 1994   0.73   supported 95% (supported)
Wing Nuts: Battle in the Sky 1995   0.74-3   broken  
Wings of Fury 1989   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Wings of Glory 1994   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Wingstar 1996   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Winnie the Pooh 1985   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Winter Games 1991   0.60   playable 63% (playable)
Winter Olympiad 88 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Winter Supersports '92 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Winzer 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wipeout 1995   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Wipeout 1989   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Wishbringer 1985   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Witchaven 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Witchaven 2: Blood Vengeance 1996   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Wizard's Crown 1985   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 1 1981   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 2 1982   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 3 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 4 1988   0.74-3   playable 57% (playable)
Wizardry 5 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 6 Bane of the Cosmic Forge 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wizardry 7 Crusaders Of The Dark Sa 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wizball 1987   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Wizkid (Wizball 2) 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Wolf 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wolfenstein 3D 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfenstein 3D (Mortal Kombat Edit) 1993   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfenstein 3d: Spear Of Destiny 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfpack 1990   0.63   supported 95% (supported)
Wolfpack 1991   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Wolfsbane 1995   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Wonderland 1990   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Woodruff & The Schnibble of Azimuth 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Word Rescue Plus! 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Word Rescue! 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
WordPlay 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Wordtris 1992   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
World Championship Boxing Manager 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
World Championship Soccer 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World Circuit (Gran Prix 1) 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
World Class Leaderboard Golf 1989   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
World Class Rugby 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
World Class Rugby Five Nations Ed. 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
World Class Soccer 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
World Cup Soccer '90 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
World Darts 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
World Games 1986   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
World Karate Championship 1986   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
World of Aden: Thunderscape 1994   0.73   supported 95% (supported)
World Rally Fever 1996   0.71   supported 100% (supported)
World Tour Golf 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
World Tour Tennis 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World Trophy Soccer 1989   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World War 2 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
World Wide Rally 1997   0.74-3   playable 60% (playable)
Worlds at War 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Worlds Of Legend: Son Of The Empire 1993   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Worlds of Ultima: Martian Dreams 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Worlds of Ultima: Savage Empire 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Worms 1995   0.73   supported 95% (supported)
Worms United 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Worms United 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Wrath of Earth 1995   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Wrath of the Demon 1991   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Wreckers 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
WWF European Rampage Tour 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
WWF in Your House 1996   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
WWF WrestleMania 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game 1995   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
WWF Wretsle Mania 1993   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
WWII GI 1999   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1256) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.71%) 48 (3.82%) 1158 (92.20%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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