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Game details
M.A.X. - Interplay (1996) Tested By: hyphen
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.72 (playable)
duplicate (2008-08-24 11:06)
This is a duplicate of the entry "MAX" and the full name is "Mechanized Assault & Exploration".
i love you dosbox (2008-06-21 12:55)
With 0.72 version on WinXP (Intel E8200) MAX works awsome, I managed to play multi with the built in IPX emulation with my buddy, everything is perfect. This was a dream of mine to play it over TCP/IP, and finally i can do it. Thank you Dosbox!
P.S.: I also used the tutorial of Xcoronner on this forum, which helps a lot:
IPX problems (2008-06-01 09:59)
MAX likes to crash infrequently with "DYNX86: Can not run code in this page" -error filling up the console.
IPX multiplayer is impossible to start because
of this.
think i love this site (2008-05-16 15:33)
im on of these ppl who never got rid of old games.from doom (on disk) to mortal kombat.not much works on xp and i cant wait untill im not drunk so i can understand this site so i can get max working