Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Magic Carpet - Bullfrog (1994)
Tested By: Tamentis

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
95% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.60 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
0% supported
  DOSBox version: 0.58 (broken)

Solution to spell change crash (2015-05-18 08:06) user57823982
I've also discovered the crashes after changing the spells. I even realized that it keeps crashing after pressing some keys to often.

The solution was not to use the original Magic Carpet but the Magic Carpet Plus release which includes the Hidden Worlds Expansion.
You can find a version at the old-games website.
Re: Spells won't work for me or CPU characters. (2015-01-14 10:24) birkett83
I experienced the bug where you (and the enemies) stop being able to use spells. I tried the "keep the population down" solution a couple of people recommended, but it didn't work very well.

Instead, I got through the level by playing on low resolution mode - it seemed to make a big difference.
Re: Spells won't work for me or CPU characters. (2014-05-10 11:47) asdffdsa
Ok, the level 13 bug is back and far worse on level 35 (making it practically impossible to complete).

I found a solution, which is to increase the memory from 16mb (the default) to 64mb:


Not sure if this completely solves the issue or just postpones it for a long time, but I didn't see the problem again after making this change.

Incidentally, the Crater spell is very effective at wiping out large groups of archers.
Fixing the game speed (2014-05-05 11:09) asdffdsa
To those who couldn't get a decent speed, this seems to be a problem with cycles=auto (the default). In this mode the speed is erratic with constant spikes.

I was able to fix the speed issues using the following settings:

cycles=fixed 70000

Then press R during the game to switch to hi-res mode (until this is done it'll be crazy fast).
Re: Spells won't work for me or CPU characters. (2014-05-05 10:49) asdffdsa
I finally found a workaround for the level 13 issue. The archers are actually part of the problem. Basically the game appears to have a hard limit on the number of "things" (fireballs, archers, archers' arrows, etc) that can exist at a time. The problem is caused by the constant expansion of the villages. In level 13, the area of map that the villages can expand over is huge. I was able to avoid the bug and complete the level by keeping the population under control - this sadly involves getting Meteor then spending most of the time razing buildings and slaughtering archers and civilians, who multiply at an alarming rate. Basically if you see large amounts of blue or black dots on the map, be afraid.

Incidentally this is with the original cd, so it's not just
Re: Spells won't work for me or CPU characters. (2013-06-04 16:32) Xodetaetl
@Jamjarz: I've got this bug too with's version. If it's not the copy protection it looks like a memory issue.
Spells won't work for me or CPU characters. (2013-04-10 18:04) Jamjarz
This is a nasty bug that has appeared for me quite recently after I reached level 13. I get halfway through this level and all my spells stop working but I am free to fly around just fine. What's even weirder that I found on my 3rd try through this is that the other players stop firing their spells, all the enemy archers stop firing arrows and just stand in the stance ready to shoot. I also just discovered that enemies' fireballs that they had shot are standing on the ground as if frozen. After a few minutes, the fireballs disappear and everyone starts shooting again and my spells sometimes working again, but very laggy (clicks take forever to have effect). After a few seconds I go into spell freeze again. It is so frustrating because I'm so close to reaching equilibrium and I just can't do it with this interference.

I am running off of DOSBox 0.74. Is anyone else having this problem?
Re: Fix your spell/map quit bug! (2013-03-20 13:47) Captain Ford
Ehh...since I can't edit, I wanted to add to my last comment by mentioning that on current systems, an actual physical CD won't work anymore. I've verified this with my own original magic carpet cd.

Point being, the DMCA can go *bleep* itself.
Fix your spell/map quit bug! (2013-03-20 13:41) Captain Ford

That problem is actually caused by a primitive form of copy protection that occasionally checks to see if the CD is actually a physical CD when you switch to the map.

The solution is to add this option to the end of your mount command: -t cdrom

For an example, my mount command is:
mount d c:Dosboxcarpet -t cdrom

I've played 3 levels now without a crash. It feels so good to have this problem resolved. :)
Finally got it to work (2012-03-30 14:16) Epicje1
Right, so, I have an iso from the original, which I mounted as drive G in windows.
In the dosbox, I made sure to mount the G drive as D.

I figured that, because it's old dos and all, it 'expects' that you have your game folder on C: (doesn't matter which drive or folder you use) and the CD on D:
When doing it like that, it worked, no dos extenders or VSN.

As for the speed, it's impossible to put on a decent speed, but the closest (for me) was to press "r" (that changes it to 640x480), then drop the cycles to 25%.
NOTE: this worked better with dosbox 0.72 - 0.74 has weird spikes.
NOTE2: When there's a gazillion of skellingtons (like in world 5) you might find yourself unable to fire. Just increase the cycles for that bit and you're in the clear.

Happy carpeting!
speed (2011-11-18 18:28) melkor
the game speed is extremly high. as if everybody including me is traveling at the speed of light.
can i do something about that?
Look up! (2011-05-11 12:41) fuzza
Running 0.74 on OSX, with the endless spell change bug. Running with DOS32a and with no sound helps, but another data point - if you stop moving and look up at the sky, at least so no ground is visible, that also seems to reduce the occurrence (though not eliminate entirely).
Fix your spell/map quit bug! (2010-12-27 14:12) Krepsininkas
DOS extender called dos32a doens not solved this.
I think there are no so sollution for this or I do not see in this page.
Fix your spell/map quit bug! (2010-05-25 22:16) vinehair
Hi chaps, if you've got a version of the game that suffers the frequent, random quit when you swap to the map/spell screen, you can very tidily fix this by looking up a modern, open source DOS extender called dos32a, and using the tools in the package to replace the dos4gw extender that comes with the game. This clears the bug right up. Enjoy!
Magic Carpet Plus Speed Up Problem (2010-05-01 12:46) AlienX99
I Downloaded Magic Carpet Plus And Somehow It Speeds Up On The Cinematics But Not The Game? How Do I Get The Game At The Right Speed?
Sound problem (2009-10-04 19:30) Epicje
Anyone got a stable solution for the before mentioned "alt-q bug when swapping weapon" ?

I haven't found anything yet. Only found out that if you have the non-CD version, that it won't crash, but then it won't save your game either...

Bit weird, but lemme know if someone found out o/
ugh (2008-12-04 21:55) nicknackpaddywhack
i cannot get magic carpet to work past choosing your sound and it is very frustrating
No Bugs (2008-10-01 14:20) sonictrey
I can play it perfetly on my computer. All I need to do is run it in high-res mode, so it's not going super fast (In case you don't know, you can do this by pressing R in-game)
Buffer overflow (2008-03-08 17:14) theemadnes
Every time I try to save a game, it's crashing out to dos on me.

i'm running most things auto, 16mb xms, sb2.

anyone seeing similar behavior?
Any suggestions? (2007-12-27 09:15) CraigM
OK, I have MC running, but am getting the "Quit to DOS" feature regularly.

Intel P4 CPU @ 2.0 GHz, 1.0 GB RAM
Win XP SP2
DOSBox ver 0.72
config -set "dos emm=off"

I copied my MC CD to c:carpet and

mount c c:carpet

I change dir to c and run carpet.exe

Sound = soundblaster 16
Music = soundblaster 16 fm
A220 I7 D1 Music I/O: 388

CPU cycles set to 50%

Game runs fine up to the point where I'm switching between spells and map and suddenly --- it's just like hitting "Ctrl Q".

Any suggestions?

TIA, -Craig-
Magic Carpet Multiplayer (2007-05-17 23:38) miscreant
Works. Needs Netbios though (and IPXNET - edit the DOSBOX.cfg file). Also needs to start with 'carpet.exe -network'.

I created a batch file carpet.bat like this (ignore anything in brackets)

@echo off
ipxnet connect 192.168.0.??? (server to connect to)
ipxnet startserver (in case it doesnt start a server)
c:\novell\nios\netbios.exe (wherever you put netbios)
carpet.exe -network
problem with sound (2005-12-06 16:05) mordekäi
I can make it run with sound blaster original or compatible, but each 2 seconds the sound dissapear for a while (0.3 seconds approx.) and then comes back. I don't know why it's happening that. Probably it has an easy solution but I can't find it.

Thank you for your help.
:-) SOLUTION :-) (2005-11-17 07:34) Danillo
Hi mates,
to solve the spell change problem, I downloaded Magic Carpet Plus ( CD-Rip version) from .
In contrast to the orginal game ( I have the orginal CD ), there is NO spell change bug. Perhaps the author modified it.

Nice to play Magic Carpet after years again. On a Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz it is working fine ( even fast enough ) in DosBox.

If anyone profited of my comment, please tell me.
Running & Playing Magic Carpet (2005-09-16 13:53) Tiit_Helimut
I've found that the easiest way to install and run Magic Carpet is to copy the contents to your HD, as the game wont need the CD this way then just run DOSBox and mount the folder containing Magic Carpet and run it from there. It works 100% (including saving + loading) for me but I have to increase CPU cycles each time to get the right speed. You can tell the right speed, as when you go too fast the music and sound will play distorted. The game also runs faster from the HD than from a CD.

Also don't forget to run the "carpet.exe" file in the "carpet" folder and not the one in the base directory.
Investigating the crashes (2005-06-12 07:17) GHarris
It mostly works fine but crashes almost every time when changing between the map/spell screen and the main view, or when changing spells. I've tested Magic Carpet on my old Pentium 75 at home and it doesn't have this crashing problem at all. Interestingly, it also crashes the same way if I run Magic Carpet outside of DOSBox (just at a win xp command prompt), with no sound. It runs at lightspeed of course but crashes in the same way.

The only thing I can think of is that with my Pentium 75 at home, there's an intro movie as the game starts saying the game is optimised for pentiums, but this movie is not present with DOSBox or when running it in Win XP at the command prompt.
CRASH (2005-03-03 09:25) mitchdbx
I can't seem to get Magic Carpet 1 to run stable. Everything loads fine, and then sometime in the first level it crashes.... usually on a wepon switch. I have tried various different config set-ups, and nothing seems to work. Is there anyone that has a suggestion?
speed problems? (2005-02-02 05:47) rickyhaggett
I've got it running okay (without sound at the moment) under db0.63 through the D-fens-v2 fe, but the speed is awful. Tried adjusting all of the various options, put the cpu cycles up to 20k, changed the rendering, but nothing really seems to help. Running a 2.26Ghz machine with a GEForce-4700Ti, so hardware isn't the issue. Anyone know how to get the speed up?
Not fully compatible under 0.63 (2005-01-10 21:24) JohnB
The only way to get MC to work (that I have found) is to use the original SoundBlaster *and* (ugh) SoundBlaster FM settings. Selecting any other combination results in the loss of all digital audio, which is required for good gameplay - and this game with just FM music is disturbing. The problem of (supposedly) random crashing when entering the map/spell area still remains.
Magic Carpet Bug? (DosBox 0.62) (2004-11-10 01:39) Kazuya80
Works very well but on entering the map or selecting a new spell the game quits.
Is it a MC's bug or a DosBox 0.62 compatibility problem?
DOSBox 0.60 (2003-10-16 16:36) Xerxes
Note: (2003-05-16 09:34) Tamentis
Need Protected Mode

Game directory (browsing from M)
Game: Year:   Version:   Status: runnable - playable - supported
M.A.X. 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
M.U.D.S. 1990   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
M1 Tank Platoon 1990   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Macadam Bumper 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mach 3 1987   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Machiavelli The Prince 1993   0.63   supported 75% (supported)
Mad Dog II 1994   0.61   supported 95% (supported)
Mad Dog McCree 1993   0.74-3   runnable 28% (runnable)
Mad News 1994   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Mad TV 1 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mad TV2 1996   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
MAG! 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Magic 1994   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Magic Boy 1994   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Magic Carpet 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Magic Carpet 2 1995   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Magic Johnson Basketball 1989   0.74-3   supported 74% (supported)
Magic Maze 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Magic of Endoria 1995   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Magic Pockets 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Magicland Dizzy 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Magnetic Scrolls Collection Vol.1 1991   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Magnetik Tank 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mah Jongg 1984   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Mah Jongg -8514- 1991   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Mahjong Fantasia 2 (Trad. Chinese) 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mahjong Fantasia 3 (Trad. Chinese) 1996   0.63   supported 98% (supported)
Mahjong Hote Raoyui 1995   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Major Stryker 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Malice for Quake 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
MAME 2001   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Manchester United - The Double 1995   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Manhattan Dealers 1988   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Manhunter 1 - New York 1988   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Manhunter 2 - San Francisco 1989   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Maniac Mansion 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
manic miner dos remake 1997   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Manic Miner PC v.1.00 1997   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Mantis XF5700 Experimental Fighter 1994   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
Marble Cooking 1996   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Marble Madness 1986   0.61   supported 85% (supported)
Marble Madness 1986   0.61   supported 85% (supported)
Marco Polo 1995   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Mario 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mario is Missing 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mario teaches typing 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mario's Game Gallerey 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mario's Game Gallery 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Marshmallow duel 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Martian Dreams 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Martian Dreams /Ultima World of Ad2 1991   0.60   supported 99% (supported)
Martian Memorandum 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Martini Racing 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Mass Destruction 1997   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Master Levels for Doom II 1995   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Master Ninja 1986   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Master of Magic 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Master of Orion 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Master of Orion 2 1996   0.74-3   supported 98% (supported)
Masterblazer 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
MasterMind 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Masturb Joe in Alpha Zone 1999   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Math Rescue Plus! 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Math Rescue! 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Matterhorn Screamer 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Maupiti Island 1990   0.74-3   playable 63% (playable)
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
MAX 1996   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Mayday Squad 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Maze Runner 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
McDonald Land 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
mcdonaldland 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
MDK 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Mean Mini Golf 1992   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Mean Streets 1989   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Mech Brigade 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mech Warrior 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mech Warrior 2 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mech Warrior 2: Ghost Bear's Legacy 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mech Warrior 2: Mercenaries 1996   0.74-3   supported 85% (supported)
MechWarrior 2 31st combat century 1995   0.74-3   runnable 4% (runnable)
Medieval Lords 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Mega lo Mania 1991   0.74-3   playable 63% (playable)
Mega Man 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mega Man 3 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Megablast 1995   0.74-3   playable 51% (playable)
Megafortress 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Megalomania 1991   0.65   supported 70% (supported)
Megaman X 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Megarace 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Megarace 1994   0.63   supported 98% (supported)
Megarace 2 1996   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
MegaTraveller - The Zhodani Consp. 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Megatraveller 2: Quest of the Ancie 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
MegaZeux 1990   0.74-3   supported 92% (supported)
Meka 2007   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Menace 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Mental Blocks 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Menzoberranzan 1994   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Mephisto Genius 2.0 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Merchant Colony 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Merchant Prince 1993   0.74-3   playable 30% (playable)
Merlin 193   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
MESS 2001   0.74-3   playable 63% (playable)
Metal and Lace 1993   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Metal Gear 1987   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Metal Mutant 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Metaltech: Battledrome 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Meteors 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Metropolis 1987   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Miami Vice 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Michael Jordan in Flight 1993   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Mickey's Space Adventure 1986   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Micro Machines 1993   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Micro Machines 2 (CD Version) 1995   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Micro! Deluxe 1995   0.61   supported 99% (supported)
Microcosm 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Microleague Baseball 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Microleague Baseball 2 1989   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Microleague Baseball 4 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
MicroLeague Footbal 4.0 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Microleague Football 2 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
MicroLeague Football 97 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Microleague Wrestling 2 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
MicroMachines 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
MicroMachines 2 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Microprose Pro Soccer 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Microsoft Adventure 1981   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Microsoft Decathlon 1982   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Microsoft Flight Simulator 95 1995   0.72   supported 82% (supported)
Microsoft Golf 2.0 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Microsoft Space Simulator 1994   0.63   supported 82% (supported)
Microsoft Windows 2.0 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Microsoft Windows 3.0a 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Microsoft Windows 3.1 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Microsoft Windows 98 SE Setup 1998   0.74-3   runnable 28% (runnable)
Midnight Rescue 1993   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Midway - The Battle that Doomed Jap 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Midwinter 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Midwinter 2: Flames of Freedom 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
MiG-29: Deadly Adversary of Falcon 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Might and Magic 2 1989   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Might And Magic 3 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Might and Magic 4,5: World of Xeen 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Might and Magic : SOIS 1987   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Might and Magic : Swords of Xeen 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Might and Magic I 1987   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Mighty Bombjack 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Mike Ditka's Ultimate Football 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mille Bournes 1989   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Millenia: Altered Destinies 1995   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Millenium 2.2 1991   0.58   supported 98% (supported)
Millenium 2200 - Return to Earth 1991   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Mimi & The Mites 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Mind Mirror 1985   0.65   supported 99% (supported)
Mindshadow 1985   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Mindwheel 1984   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Mine Shaft 1983   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Minebombers 1995   0.63   supported 99% (supported)
Miner VGA 1989   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Mines of Titan 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
minesweeper 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Mirage 2 (Trad. Chi) 1994   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Mission Critical 1995   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Mission: Impossible 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Mixed Up Fairy Tales 1991   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Mixed Up Mother Goose 1987   0.60   supported 85% (supported)
Mixed-up Mother Goose VGA 1992   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
mm 1987   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Modern Problems 1993   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Moktar 1991   0.72   supported 98% (supported)
Molez 1997   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Monkey Island 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Monkey Island (EGA) 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge 1991   0.74-3   supported 94% (supported)
Monopoly 1985   0.73   supported 99% (supported)
Monopoly Deluxe 1.0 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Monster Bash 1-3 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Monster Math 1983   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Montezuma's Return 1998   0.74-3   supported 75% (supported)
Montezuma's Revenge 1984   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Monty On The Run (PC Remake) 2001   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
Monty Python's Flying Circus 1990   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Monuments of Mars 1-3 1991   0.62   supported 90% (supported)
Moon Blaster 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Moon Bugs 1983   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Moon Patrol 1983   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Moonbase 1990   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Moonmist 1986   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Moonshine Racers 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Moonstone 1992   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Moonwalker 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Moraff's World 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Morphello 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mortal Coil 1995   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Mortal Kombat 1993   0.74-3   supported 82% (supported)
Mortal Kombat 2 1995   0.74-3   supported 85% (supported)
Mortal Kombat 3 1995   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Mortal Kombat Trilogy 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
MOT 1989   0.73   supported 80% (supported)
Motocross 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Motor City: History Experience Part 1995   0.65   supported 99% (supported)
Mounments of Mars 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Mozaik 1993   0.65   supported 80% (supported)
Mr. Ant 1992   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Ms. Pac Pc 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Ms. Pac-Man 1983   0.72   supported 98% (supported)
Ms.Chomp 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
MSKISS 2000   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Muck Men from Mars 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
MUGEN 1999   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Multiplex 2007   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Muppet Adventure 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Murder in the Atlantic 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Murder Makes Strange Deadfellows 1991   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Murder on the Zinderneuf 1983   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Murder! 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Murders in Space 1990   0.62   supported 100% (supported)
Murders in Venice 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Museum Madness 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Music Construction Set 1984   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
My Chess 1984   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
My Own Stories 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Myst 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Mystery at the Museum 1993   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Mystery Master 1983   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Mystery of the Mummy 1989   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Mystic Towers 1994   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Myth 1989   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
MythMaster: A Vagabonds Adventure 1991   0.74-3   runnable 2% (runnable)

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1256) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.71%) 48 (3.82%) 1158 (92.20%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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